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Student Support Program
Application Procedures
Deadlines and Award Notification

The Organizing Committee of CDC 2017 is pleased to announce Student Travel Support, made available by the IEEE Control Systems Society. These funds are meant to enhance the chances of promising students to attend CDC 2017, present their papers and become more integrated into the CSS scientific community. The limited amount of funds available are not reimbursed to the student awardees, but are applied by the conference organizers to (i) conference registration and (ii) partial lodging expenses; please click here for more information.

Application Procedures

The application website opens on July 21 - August 1 (tentative) and closes on August 5 - August 15 (tentative). To apply, students must fill in the form available at (login: student, password: ieeecdc2017), convert it into the PDF format, and upload it through PaperPlaza as follows:
  • Step 1: Select Submit a paper or session proposal for the CDC 2017

  • Step 2: Select First Submissions: Student Travel Form (please make sure that the student who is candidating for the travel support is listed as the corresponding author of the application)

  • Step 3: To complete the application procedure, the Student's Advisor must contact via e-mail Professor Luca Zaccarian, Student Activities Chair of the IEEE Control Systems Society (, and provide him with the following information:
    • Certification that the applicant is currently enrolled as a student and is planning to attend and present a paper at the CDC 2017
    • Short message of support of the Student's application (less than 10 lines).

Deadlines and Award Notification

  • July 20 - July 31: decision letters about papers submitted to CDC 2017 are sent out

  • July 21 - August 1: the application website opens

  • August 5 - August 15: the application website closes

  • September 10: decision messages about travel support recipients are expected to be sent out
    IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not register until you have received the decision letter where the details of the special registration procedure for Student Travel Awardees will be announced. Please be aware that the registration fee can potentially not be reimbursed in case you have already registered using the standard registration procedure.

  • September 20: deadline for registering and uploading the final version of the manuscript.

In the event that questions arise or additional support beyond the established norms is awarded, original receipts will be needed for reimbursement, and details on the procedure will be distributed if needed.

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PaperPlaza Submission site
We suggest that you use Firefox or Chrome instead of Internet Explorer, to prevent copyright upload issues to IEEE.

Key dates (2017)
Submission Site Open:January 4
Initial Paper
Submissions to L-CSS with CDC Option Due:
March 6
Invited Session
Proposals Due:
March 10
Initial Paper
Submissions Due:
March 20
Workshop Proposals Due:May 1
Paper and Workshop
Decision Notification:
Best Student Paper
Nominations Opens:
July 20
Final Submission Open:August 1
Registration Opens:August 1
Best Student Paper
Nominations Closes:
August 15
Accepted Papers Due:September 20
Early Bird Closes:October 1
Online Registration Closes:December 5
Conference opens:December 12
Conference closes:December 15

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