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Special Sessions/Events
The special sessions at the conference will cover the following topics:

Controls Teaching Made Easier with MATLAB and Simulink
Tuesday, December 12, Lunch Break, Plenary Hall
Sponsor: The MathWorks Inc.

Speaker:Craig Buhr

Abstract: Project based learning and inverted classroom are changing the way control systems classes are taught.  With project based learning, instructors focus on developing hardware labs where students learn practical skills required by the industry. Inverted classroom necessitates creation of materials that students can use to learn controls concepts outside of the classroom. To help educators focus on teaching, MathWorks offers tools and resources that instructors can use for development of hardware labs and learning materials.  In this talk we will discuss such tools and resources, including:

  • Free hardware support packages and experiments enabling students to control drones, drive motors, read encoders, use light sensors, and build other projects with popular platforms like LEGO, Arduino, and Parrot Minidrones straight from MATLAB and Simulink.
  • Online resources for self-learning including MATLAB Tech Talks, tutorials, and MATLAB Academy.
  • MATLAB and Simulink capabilities for easier and more intuitive explanation of controls concepts.
  • Downloadable sets of curriculum materials for developing and enhancing curriculum, facilitating lectures and classroom examples, and inspiring student learning.
  • MATLAB Cody Coursework for auto-grading assignments.
  • Access to MATLAB and Simulink through campus wide licenses, student software, MATLAB Online, MATLAB Home, and MATLAB Mobile.

Australian Industry Special Session
Tuesday, December 12, 6:10 PM, Room 101

Abstract: This special session highlights the current research and development of several Australian companies and organisations in the areas of systems and control. The evening event begins with the classical topic of machine control interwoven with modern system design technologies, which is presented by the Global Engineering Manager from ANCA - an Australian CNC machine manufacturer. The second presentation is by a lead researcher from Australia's Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG) which showcases autonomous aircraft in complex and contested urban environments. The third presentation by an engineer from MathWorks is on the topic of predicting equipment failures by combining machine learning with traditional systems technology. This special session is concluded by the Group Engineering Manager from Ampcontrol with an examination of operational limitations in safety control systems and factors contributing to the deaths of 29 miners in the 2010 Pike River Coal Mining tragedy in New Zealand.

Systems and Control Research Overview and Career Opportunities at United Technologies Research Center
Wednesday, December 13, Lunch Break, Plenary Hall
Sponsor: United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT


  • Dr. Andrzej Banaszuk (Senior Director, Systems Department)
  • Dr. Andrew Sparks (Principal Engineer, Control Systems Group Leader)
  • Dr. Amit Surana (Principal Engineer, System Dynamics and Optimization Group)
  • Dr. Shaunak D. Bopardikar (Staff Engineer, Control Systems Group)
  • Dr. Milos Ilak (Staff Engineer, Control Systems Group)
  • Dr. Zohaib Mian (Staff Engineer, Control Systems Group)
  • Dr. Mahmoud El Chamie (Senior Engineer, System Dynamics and Optimization Group)
Academic Collaborator/Guest Speaker:
  • Professor Robert Bitmead, University of California, San Diego

Abstract: We will give an overview of United Technologies Corporation and United Technologies Research Center (UTRC) and then present a broad overview of research from UTRC’s Systems Department, with particular focus on autonomous and intelligent systems, dynamical analysis and advanced controls for complex systems, and machine learning. The research, conducted by a diverse team of researchers in robotics, dynamical systems, estimation, control, applied mathematics, computer vision, computer science, and human factors in partnership with academic partners includes interdisciplinary approaches combining ideas from dynamical systems, control theory and machine learning for data driven systems and control as well as sequential decision making. We will conclude with a discussion of career and internship opportunities in the broad area of autonomy, controls, machine learning, and human-machine interactions.

Scaling Heights: Our Times Shared with Roberto Tempo
Thursday, December 14th, Lunch Break, Plenary Hall


  • Prof. John Baillieul
  • Prof. Bob Barmish
  • Prof. Christos Cassandras
  • Prof. Patrizio Colaneri
  • Prof. Alberto Isidori
  • Prof. Rick Middleton
  • Prof. Thomas Parisini

Abstract: A special session is planned to honor the the memory of our dear colleague Roberto Tempo, who suddenly passed away on January 14th, 2017.
Roberto's research contributions to our field are well known and range from pioneering the area of probabilistic and randomized methods, to the study of distributed PageRank computations and to his recent fundamental advancements in the study of dynamical social networks. Roberto was also a generous volunteer in our Society, which he served in several roles, culminating with his presidency in 2010.
In this session colleagues and friends who worked with Roberto in various roles will share their experience and memories. This session is paired with the Technical Tutorial session "Scaling Heights: A Journey through Roberto Tempo’s Research Activity" held on Thursday 10:00-12:00.

Meet the Faculty Candidate Poster Session.
Thursday, December 14th, 4pm-6pm, Main Foyer of the Melbourne Convention Centre

Abstract: Building on the successful event during the 2016 CDC, the program of the 2017 CDC will also feature the poster session entitled "Meet the Faculty Candidate." This poster session provides a great opportunity for faculty, search committee members, and recruiters to speak directly with current graduate students and postdoctoral researchers who are seeking faculty positions.
Faculty candidates, registered for the conference, are invited to register for this poster session by compiling this online registration form by Monday October 31st, 2016.
The session will be held on Thursday 14th December, 4pm-6pm in the Main Foyer of the Melbourne Convention Centre. Space will be available on a first-come first-serve basis.

PaperPlaza Submission site
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Key dates (2017)
Submission Site Open:January 4
Initial Paper
Submissions to L-CSS with CDC Option Due:
March 6
Invited Session
Proposals Due:
March 10
Initial Paper
Submissions Due:
March 20
Workshop Proposals Due:May 1
Paper and Workshop
Decision Notification:
Best Student Paper
Nominations Opens:
July 20
Final Submission Open:August 1
Registration Opens:August 1
Best Student Paper
Nominations Closes:
August 15
Accepted Papers Due:September 20
Early Bird Closes:October 1
Online Registration Closes:December 5
Conference opens:December 12
Conference closes:December 15

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